Two Spoons Tea – Camomile

Time for Tea Please?

Taking a moment to relax is all part of having cup or tea to me and thanks to Two Spoons and their Camomile blend I’m able todo just that. It’s also this months tea of the month.

Two Spoons

(Direct from website)

THE JOB ADVERT READ, “TRAINEE TEA TASTER WANTED – MUST BE PREPARED TO TRAVEL THE WORLD”. Founded by Giles (big spoon) and Mark (little spoon).

We applied, we got through (somehow!) and 1 million cups later here we are. As part of that training, we each spent a year living overseas in tea producing countries. We visited tea plantations, tea factories, warehouses and ports. We bought in tea auctions, we met the tea trade and made some great friends. We learnt that wherever you go in the world, people are incredibly passionate about this amazing product. At Two Spoons, we want to showcase great tea, the passion and the stories we have accumulated along the way.

To find out more or to try for yourself, then hit the link:


For this blend Two Spoons purely uses camomile.

Upon opening the tea box you are instantly hit with the sweet floral tones of the camomile.

Let’s Get Brewing!

The aroma whilst brewing isn’t too dissimilar to that of its dry state if anything the sweetness of the flowers has increased even more.

The brewed liquid is that of a bright yellow colouring.

Let’s Get Sipping!

First sip is just lovely.

This blend is light and refreshing. As it’s purely just the camomile flowers. It’s rich in its taste and is clean in doing so.

Camomile to me has a very distinctive flavour. It’s almost mellow yellow (if you know the song). This taste also stays the same throughout the sipping experience.

This blend is also very sweet in its taste, giving you a perfect sweet pick me up mixed with its calming properties it’s the perfect bedtime brewing. Especially as a caffeine free tea. It also has an almost honey like properties adding an extra depth to each sip.

With the colour of the blend being bright yellow, it’s definitely a mug of sunshine, bringing you a hug in a mug. Which is exactly what you need when taking a moment to relax and this is just what you can with blend.

Happy Sipping 🙂

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