Intensitea- Chosen One

Time for Tea Please?

Sipping on a flavoured black tea on an afternoon is one of my favourite things todo. Thanks to Intensitea for sending me there Chosen One to share with you.


(Direct from website)

We are a cozy, family-run business fueled by our shared passion for tea. Embracing the art of sipping and savoring, our journey began within the comfort of our home.

Our venture evolved organically from our personal tea exploration and experimentation. What began as a simple home ritual soon transformed into a delightful adventure of crafting our unique blends and infusions.

Initially, the idea of sharing our tea creations with others wasn’t at the forefront of our minds. However, a lightbulb moment changed everything – why not let others relish the delightful experience of unique and flavorful tea blends? Frustrated by the prevalence of bland and uninspiring teas in the market, we felt a calling to infuse a burst of taste and aroma into the cups of fellow tea enthusiasts.

And so, our small family tea haven blossomed into a business, driven by the desire to spread the joy of quality tea. Each cup tells a story of passion, experimentation, and a commitment to elevating the tea-drinking experience.

To find out more or to try for yourself hit the link:

Chosen One

For this blend Intensitea uses: Black tea, orange blossom,dried raspberry bits, cornflower, aroma (2.5%)

Upon opening the tea pouch you are instantly hit with a sweet peachy aroma with a very light undertone of black tea.

Let’s get Brewing!

The aroma whilst brewing is almost the opposite way round in its smell. The black tea is now more prominent with the peach coming across on the lighter side.

The brewed liquid is that of a dark brown colouring.

With this blend as flavoured black tea I prefer to drink mine black, without milk. However teas unique to the drinker so if you’d prefer milk then go for it!

Let’s get Sipping!

First Sip and I am hooked.

And yes I’m going to say it it’s just peachy!

Initially it’s the turn or the black tea to sing. it’s strong in its flavour but it’s not over powering in doing so.

The second part and the after taste to each sip is fruity peachy with a mellowness that allows the creamier side of the blend to come through.

The quince comes through mixed with the peach adding an extra dimension to the sipping experience think peaches and cream peach melba all in a cup of tea.

This blend is naturally sweet and perfect just the way it is. Personally I wouldn’t add any milk sugar honey etc. it’s just perfect as it is. It tastes the same throughout which is always a bonus.

Happy Sipping 🙂

Hampstead Tea – Wild Rosehip & Hibiscus

Time for Tea Please?

Thanks to the lovely people at Hampstead Tea for sending me a selection of their blends to try and share with you!

Hampstead Tea

Hampstead Tea was created by Kiran (direct from website) to bring you organic teas that are ethical and delicious. When I moved to the UK from India I desperately searched for great tasting tea that had no pesticides or plastics and I just couldn’t find any. Skip forward to today and at Hampstead Organic we’re incredibly proud to be continuously assessed as:
‘The Most Ethical Tea Brand’ by the Ethical Consumer.

Hampstead Tea has grown far beyond what I dreamed while packing tea in my kitchen. Our range of organic teas are stocked all over the world. Everything we produce is organic, our tea gardens are biodynamic, teas are Fairtrade, the majority of our packaging is Plastic-Free and all our teas bags are compostable. When we work with the earth, treat it and our people well, mother nature rewards us with strong, healthy crops and excellent tea.

To find out more or to try their tea for yourselves hit the link:

Wild Rosehip & Hibiscus

I just love the detailing on the Hampstead tea boxes.

For this blend Hampstead Tea uses Organic Rosehip and hibiscus.

Upon opening the tea pouch, you are hit with a light aroma of the rosehip with an almost peppery undertone.

Let’s get Brewing!

The aroma whilst brewing comes across almost like a berry medley. Think hot crumble tones, just without the custard!

The brewed liquid is that of a bright burgundy colouring. The colour on its own is enough to make you want to get sipping on this blend.

Let’s get Sipping!

First sip and I am hooked.

Each sip is rich in flavour. The flavours of the rosehip and hibiscus are a match made in heaven. They work together in perfect harmony. The hibiscus is the almost initial flavour of each sip, bringing with it a floral yet fruity vibe. Each sip marrys in the middle before the rosehip, adding an almost peppery berryness.

The two flavours in this blend just work perfectly together, making it a pleasure to sip.

It’s the perfect tast sensation. Each sip is sweet enough but also has a sour tartness. Which contradicts itself, yet is also addictive at the same time.

This blend is also one you knows going to taste great hot or cold or even as a spritzer with some iced fruits!

Happy Sipping 🙂

Intensitea Co. – Tropical Elegance

Time for Tea Please?

I loved a flavoured black tea, and thanks to Intensitea, I’m able to share with you their Tropical Elegance blend.

Intensitea Co.

(Direct from website)

We are a cozy, family-run business fueled by our shared passion for tea. Embracing the art of sipping and savoring, our journey began within the comfort of our home.

Our venture evolved organically from our personal tea exploration and experimentation. What began as a simple home ritual soon transformed into a delightful adventure of crafting our unique blends and infusions.

Initially, the idea of sharing our tea creations with others wasn’t at the forefront of our minds. However, a lightbulb moment changed everything – why not let others relish the delightful experience of unique and flavorful tea blends? Frustrated by the prevalence of bland and uninspiring teas in the market, we felt a calling to infuse a burst of taste and aroma into the cups of fellow tea enthusiasts.

And so, our small family tea haven blossomed into a business, driven by the desire to spread the joy of quality tea. Each cup tells a story of passion, experimentation, and a commitment to elevating the tea-drinking experience.

To find out more or to try for yourself, then hit the link:

Tropical Elegance

For this blend Intensitea uses: Black tea, sunflower leaves, dried mango and raspberry bits, safflower, aroma (2%).

Upon opening the tea pouch, you are instantly hit with a beautiful fruity , fruit cocktail. The mango and passionfruit are the main aromas and mixed with the sunflower make for a mouth-watering flavour.

Let’s Get Brewing!

The aroma whilst brewing isn’t too dissimilar to that of its dry state. The passionfruit is the main aroma coming through, but the black tea is now coming through, too.

The brewed liquid is that of a dark brown colouring.

Let’s Get Sipping!

First sip and I am hooked!

This blend is so refreshing.

It’s one of those teas that I call a 2 part sip.

The first half of the sip is all about the fruity side. The passion fruit and mango flavours are really coming through. It’s almost like sipping on a selro (the icecream). It’s sweet and has a mellow side contributed to from the sunflower and Safflower.

The second half of the sip is all about the black tea. It’s not overpowering and is only really present in the aftertaste. This provides almost smokey bitterness.

It’s a light and refreshing blend and is perfect hot and cold, too, as the flavour intensity remains the same throughout the sipping experience. Perfect for summer!

Happy Sipping 🙂

Two Spoons Tea – Camomile

Time for Tea Please?

Taking a moment to relax is all part of having cup or tea to me and thanks to Two Spoons and their Camomile blend I’m able todo just that. It’s also this months tea of the month.

Two Spoons

(Direct from website)

THE JOB ADVERT READ, “TRAINEE TEA TASTER WANTED – MUST BE PREPARED TO TRAVEL THE WORLD”. Founded by Giles (big spoon) and Mark (little spoon).

We applied, we got through (somehow!) and 1 million cups later here we are. As part of that training, we each spent a year living overseas in tea producing countries. We visited tea plantations, tea factories, warehouses and ports. We bought in tea auctions, we met the tea trade and made some great friends. We learnt that wherever you go in the world, people are incredibly passionate about this amazing product. At Two Spoons, we want to showcase great tea, the passion and the stories we have accumulated along the way.

To find out more or to try for yourself, then hit the link:


For this blend Two Spoons purely uses camomile.

Upon opening the tea box you are instantly hit with the sweet floral tones of the camomile.

Let’s Get Brewing!

The aroma whilst brewing isn’t too dissimilar to that of its dry state if anything the sweetness of the flowers has increased even more.

The brewed liquid is that of a bright yellow colouring.

Let’s Get Sipping!

First sip is just lovely.

This blend is light and refreshing. As it’s purely just the camomile flowers. It’s rich in its taste and is clean in doing so.

Camomile to me has a very distinctive flavour. It’s almost mellow yellow (if you know the song). This taste also stays the same throughout the sipping experience.

This blend is also very sweet in its taste, giving you a perfect sweet pick me up mixed with its calming properties it’s the perfect bedtime brewing. Especially as a caffeine free tea. It also has an almost honey like properties adding an extra depth to each sip.

With the colour of the blend being bright yellow, it’s definitely a mug of sunshine, bringing you a hug in a mug. Which is exactly what you need when taking a moment to relax and this is just what you can with blend.

Happy Sipping 🙂

Greys Tea – Assam Harchuah First Flush 2023 SFTGFOP1

Time for Tea Please?

Thanks to Greys Tea I’m able to share with you their Assam Harchuah First Flush 2023 SFTGFOP1 This Assam First Flush is from the Harchurah garden which was established in 1908 on the north bank of the great Brahmaputra river. It is a member of the Ethical Tea partnership and takes its name from the ducks which graze in the area.

Greys Tea

(Direct from website)

We are dedicated to supplying the world’s greatest teas.

We offer a comprehensive range of high-grade, loose-leaf teas from areas of the world famous for the quality of their teas. We specialise in teas from individual tea gardens or tea growing areas so that you can experience their diversity of character. We only sell loose leaf teas and focus upon large leaf, traditional orthodox teas which give the best all-round, balanced flavour.

English Teas

Our English blends use teas that give them a classic character.

Since starting in 2000 we have built a loyal following amongst our customers and we are grateful for their support. Our teas are of assured quality and we are constantly receiving new stocks to ensure freshness. Our teas are imported via long established tea shippers able to air-freight new season teas as soon as they are available.

We are located at Wootton Wawen near Warwick, the historic county town of Warwickshire, England.

To find out more or to try for yourself hit the link:

Assam Harchurah First Flush 2023 SFTGFOPI

For this blend: Greys Tea uses Assam Harchurah First Flush 2023 SFTGFOPI.

Upon opening the tea pouch, you are hit with a rich woody earthy aroma.

Let’s Get Brewing!

The aroma whilst brewing is very mellow in comparison to its not overly strong.

The brewed liquid is that of a rusty brown colouring.

For this blend I’m also drinking it with out milk as my personal preference but also Greys Tea recommendation.

Let’s Get Sipping!

First sip and I am hooked.

I wasn’t sure how this tea was going to go based on its brewing aroma, but it’s tealicious.

The flavour isn’t overpowering but just the right mildness. The woodyness in the aroma is the forefront of the taste. It brings with it an almost maltyness.

It also has an underlying rich fruitiness almost plum like. Mixed with the malt it kinda gives you beer vibes. With an almost hoppy dimension to it.

Not having milk was certainly the right choice, it allowed the assam to be the star of the show, and I feel it would have washed the tea out. Making it a pleasure to drink perfect for that afternoon calming sip.

Happy Sipping 🙂

The Zen Tea Co. – Emerald Uji Matcha.

Time for Tea Please?

Sometimes I just like a steamed milk with a difference! Thanks to The Zen Tea Co. And their Emerald Uji Matcha I’m able to make a matcha latte.

The Zen Tea Co.

(Direct from website)

Here at The Zen Tea Co. we believe in enhancing and rejuvenating the body, mind and spirt. We are dedicated to help you feel more relaxed, vibrant and peaceful. We hope to enrich your life and soul and we are committed to allow you to find happiness and spirit in the small things. Like a cup of tea.

To find out more or to try for yourself hit the link:

Emerald Uji Matcha

For this blend The Zen Tea Co uses there Emerald matcha powder is sourced in Uji, Japan, where the microclimate is unique and promotes the growing of the highest quality plants.

Matcha is great for:

*Rich in anti-oxidants, which help keep you young and healthy
*Provides sustained energy, no more energy crash that drops too quickly
*Accelerates metabolism and helps your body burn calories up to 4 times quicker
*Naturally detoxifies the body and helps expel chemicals and maintain blood alkalinity
*Releases tension and stress and helps with focus and meditations (above direct from website)

Let’s Get Brewing!

Upon opening the tea pouch you are instantly hit with an intense green tea aroma.

For my matcha latte I mix some of the matcha powder with some hot water.
Then I steam some milk and combine the two.

The aroma whilst brewing isn’t too dissimilar to that of its dry state.

Let’s Get Sipping!

With matchas I always find it hard to describe it exactly. As it’s sort of like a very intense green tea. So a tiny bit grassy a little bit earthy. It’s just one of those flavours that if you know you know!

With this matcha, the flavour comes through intensely. It carries the perfect intensity that allows its flavour to work with milk to provide its distinctive flavour and mellowness and singing on its own.

The steamed milk isn’t exactly just for flavour but also the texture. Brining an almost creaminess to the sip as the matcha blends well. So its not grainy at all bringing a smoothness to each and every sip. The milk to me just counteracts the aftertaste of some matchas being on the bitter side but that’s not the case with Emerald Uji.

I’ve used some a tiny bit of vanilla to lightly sweeten it, but honey is a good option too, that’s if you so wish too.

The colour profile is just delightful and happy and the match mixed with the sweetened steamed milk is like a hug in a mug. As well as being a different way to drink it rather than as a shot or mug full. It’s just more soothing to me.

Happy Sipping 🙂

Cup & Saucer – A Cup of Hygge

Time for Tea Please?

I use tea to take a moment to myself and even better if it’s a hug in a mug. Thanks to Cup & Saucer I’m to do this with their blend A Cup of Hygge.

Cup & Saucer

(Direct from website)

Cup & Saucer is a small independent tea blender creating unique hand-blended teas. Our range includes classic favourites as well as inventive new blends, all made with the finest sustainably sourced ingredients. We are passionate about tea and have been recognised for our commitment to quality. In fact, Gail won the Muddy Stilettos Best Local Food & Drink Producer in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire in both 2022 and 2023.
At Cup & Saucer, we believe that quality tea should be accessible to everyone. With our commitment to sustainability and top-notch customer service, we strive to make sure everyone can enjoy our unique blends.

To find out more or to try for yourself hit the link:

A Cup of Hygge

For this blend Cup & Saucer uses : Cammomile flowers, Fennel seeds, Lavendar buds, Rose petals, Cornflower petals, Star anaise.

Upon opening the tea pouch younaren instantly hit with the aroma of the star anaise and Fennel. This combined brings an almost liquorice smell. It’s not overly possibly to smell any of the other ingredients at this stage.

Let’s Get Brewing!

The aroma whilst brewing is fairly similar to that of its dry state however the camomile is also starting to come through too.

The brewed liquid is that of a mustard yellow colour.

Let’s Get Sipping!

First sip and I am intrigued.

This tea is very much a two sip flavour combination for me.

On the initial part of the sip the floral side of the blend which really allows the camomile to shine through bringing a lightness to it.

The second part of the sip is the liquorice taste you can smell. The Fennel and the star anaise work together to give this taste. It does add an uplifting warmingness which fits with hygge approach. Although it may be a bit too much for my taste preference.

Having said that the properties this blend makes you feel and tastr within it’s Ingredient combination does help add to the hyggeness an almost out with the old in with new.

Happy Sipping 🙂

ZO Tea – Balance

Time for Tea Please?

Like in anything finding a “Balance” is key. Thanks to ZO Tea and their blend “Balance” I’m hoping to do just that!

ZO Tea

(Direct from website)

Our mission is to help you find a healthy balance, so make it your ritual and enjoy a better sense of wellbeing with our range of organic tea blends.

ZO is a UK-based, independent company that specialises in premium, organic loose leaf tea.

Expertly blended to showcase the natural beauty and benefits of the ingredients. Our aim is to promote organic tea rituals, with carefully designed blends to help support and encourage wellness.

After many years suffering with digestive problems, I eventually found relief through a variety of different tea blends, added benefits included clearer skin, more energy and a greater sense of wellbeing.

I was inspired to research and develop my own brand of tea after reading negative reviews and articles about some of the ingredients I was drinking and the potentially harmful ingredient

Senna. My goal became to offer blends that promote general wellbeing.

To fund out more or to try for yourself hitnthe link:


For this blend ZO Tea uses Rooibos, nettle, Rosehip, green tea China Jasmine, ginger, Fennel, Pu Erh Tea China, mate green, cinnamon sticks, cocoa peels, pink pepper, strawberry,  rose petals and cardamon.

Upon opening the pouch you are instantly hit with with the aroma of the Pu Erh with a light ginger kick.

Let’s Get Brewing!

The aroma whilst brewing is completely different to that of it dry state. The smell is now a lot fruitier and spicier as well.

The brewed liquid is that of a burnt orange colouring.

Let’s Get Sipping!

First sip and I am hooked.

Considering how this blend smells in its dry state to that of its brewing and then tastes amazes me.

I wouldnt say that there is a specific flavour that is more obvious than the other. They some how all work together side by side or I guess in “Balance”.

It’s light and fruity in its initial flavour with the strawberry, rose petals, rosehip and jasmine green tea.

The mid section of the sip is more earthy with the Pu Erh, nettle, fennel, and mate.

The aftertaste is that of spiced aspects with the pepper, and cardamom and ginger.

All three aspects of the sip work in “balance” to ensure a well edged sip with the flavours working together not just for taste but also the senses.

It’s a naturally sweet blend so to me doesn’t need any additions and allow the natural flavours to sing.

Happy Sipping 🙂

SlimSereniTea – 28 Day Detox

Time for Tea Please?

Tea and your wellbeing go hand in hand for me, need a break have a cuppa, hug in a mug have a cuppa but can tea add to your health and wellness? Thanks to Slim Serenitea we can try that with their 28 Day Detox.


(Dierect from website)

Cultivated with care and rooted in tradition, SlimSereniTea is more than just a brand — it’s a promise of well-being.

SlimSereniTea is a premium brand of slimming tea and matcha green tea, designed for those who seek a healthier lifestyle without compromising on taste or quality. Our products are crafted with the finest ingredients, sourced responsibly, and blended with care. We believe in the power of tea to bring tranquillity and wellness into our lives, and we’re committed to sharing this belief with our customers.

To find out more or to try for yourself, hit the link:

28 Day Detox

For this blend SlimSereniTea uses:

(Direct from web site)

Key Ingredients and Their Benefits:

  • Cassia Seed: A natural laxative that aids digestion and promotes weight loss.
  • Moringa: A powerhouse of essential nutrients, Moringa is rich in antioxidants, helps lower blood sugar and cholesterol, and boasts anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Lotus Leaf: Known for its metabolism-boosting properties, it aids in weight loss and provides a calming effect.
  • Orange Peel: Packed with vitamin C, it boosts immunity and adds a refreshing citrus flavour.
  • Oolong Tea: Enhances mental alertness, aids in weight loss, and strengthens the immune system.
  • Dried Hawthorn: Improves digestion, reduces anxiety, and helps in lowering blood pressure.

Upon opening the tea pouch you are hit with an earthy undertone. None of the flavours are really identifiable at this stage.

Let’s Get Brewing!

The aroma whilst brewing is completely different to that of its dry state. It’s intense and not earthy the green tea is most noticeable within its aroma.

The brewed liquid is that of a mustard yellow colouring.

Let’s Get Sipping!

First sip and it doesn’t taste like I expected it to at all.

Now I say this based on the aroma of the blend.

The aroma was that of the green tea and taste wise it isn’t the dominant flavour. Mixed with the moringa they both do both bring a light grass like flavour. Yet it’s more aromatic than what you may expect.

I wouldn’t say that of the flavours individually taste wise more than another. It’s only really on the aftertaste that the green tea is apparent to me.

The oolong brings a smokey earthiness with a light nutty undertone.

There’s a slight tang to each sip that adds a new dimension to wach sip, through the use of the hawthorn. 

The blend is also naturally sweet too for easy sipping.

Happy Sipping 🙂

Mojo Melo – Stomach Soothe

Time for Tea Please?

I’m not sure about you but I have definitely over indulged the Easter Weekend and do I feel guilty no I don’t and neither should you! However thanks to Mojo Melo and their Stomach Soothe I’m certainly helping to counter act that.

Mojo Melo

(Direct from website)

Our mission is to use the power of herbal teas to improve gut health and help people suffering from debilitating chronic conditions such as stomach inflammation, gastritis,and acid reflux.

However, it was the ancient wisdom from Chinese and Indian cultures that provided the significant breakthrough I was seeking.

These cultures understand the importance of gut health for overall well-being and have long been using herbal remedies to optimise it. Inspired, I decided to give various commercially available stomach-health teas a try.

This led me on a mission to develop my own herbal teas, blending together high-quality, effective ingredients to support gut health and reduce inflammation. Michaela

To find out more or to try for yourself then hit the link:

Stomach Soothe

For this blend Mojo Melo uses Organic Chamomile flower, Organic Green tea leaf 25%, Organic Basil (Tulsi Vana – Holy Basil)  20%, Organic Lemongrass herb.

The aroma when opening the tea box is primarily that of the chamomile with a light undertone of the lemongrass.

Let’s Get Brewing!

The aroma whilst brewing isn’t too dissimilar to that of its dry state, the chamomile is the strongest aroma.

The brewed liquid is that of a yellowy green.

Let’s Get Sipping!

Upon first sip the main taste of the blend as the aroma suggests is the Chamomile. The delicate floralness of the blend really stands out.

Now I don’t think I’ve ever drank a tea before that uses basil however this is the second main taste and I just love it. It adds a real contrast to the floral side and is just delicious and works perfectly. Plus I’m a basil fan anyways.

The lemongrass is almost an aftertaste within the sip but it’s uplifting and refreshing and adds a further contrast to each sip.

I can’t taste the green tea within the blend which doesn’t bother me at all as green tea is my marmite you either love it or hate it. Yet knowing it is there adds to the wellness within the blend a the properties this tea can bring to you.

Happy Sipping 🙂