Mojo Melo – Stomach Calm

Time for Tea Please?

I’m all for sipping on teas with benefits and thanks to Mojo Melo I’m able to share with you their Stomach Calm blend.

Mojo Melo

(Direct from website)

Our mission is to use the power of herbal teas to improve gut health and help people suffering from debilitating chronic conditions such as stomach inflammation, gastritis,and acid reflux.

However, it was the ancient wisdom from Chinese and Indian cultures that provided the significant breakthrough I was seeking.

These cultures understand the importance of gut health for overall well-being and have long been using herbal remedies to optimise it. Inspired, I decided to give various commercially available stomach-health teas a try.

This led me on a mission to develop my own herbal teas, blending together high-quality, effective ingredients to support gut health and reduce inflammation. Michaela

To find out more or to try for yourself then hit the link:

Stomach Calm

For this blend Mojo Melo uses Turmeric Root, Chamomile Flower, Cardamom Pod, Ginger Root and Cinnmon Cut.

Upon opening the tea pouch, you are instantly hit with the aroma of the turmeric and spicy tones of the ginger Root.

Let’s Get Brewing!

The aroma whilst brewing is completely different from that of its dry state. The aroma now is very much of the chamomile and cinnamon.

The brewed liquid that of a rich yellow orange very similar to that of the colouring of turmeric.

Let’s Get Sipping!

First sip and I am hooked!

The main flavour is that of the turmeric. It’s not only there in colour but also bringing its earthy flavour.

Each sip has a spicy undertone on the after tastes. Bringing with it a gingery kick followed up with a whack of cinnamon bringing with it a lovely sweetness.

This blend is also on the contrast quite light too through the use of the chamomile flowers. Bringing with it a floral dimension.

For a tummy tonic tea it’s a different flavour however I’m not complaining as there’s something very comforting about this flavour combination.

Happy Sipping 🙂

Intensitea Co. – Tropical Elegance

Time for Tea Please?

I loved a flavoured black tea, and thanks to Intensitea, I’m able to share with you their Tropical Elegance blend.

Intensitea Co.

(Direct from website)

We are a cozy, family-run business fueled by our shared passion for tea. Embracing the art of sipping and savoring, our journey began within the comfort of our home.

Our venture evolved organically from our personal tea exploration and experimentation. What began as a simple home ritual soon transformed into a delightful adventure of crafting our unique blends and infusions.

Initially, the idea of sharing our tea creations with others wasn’t at the forefront of our minds. However, a lightbulb moment changed everything – why not let others relish the delightful experience of unique and flavorful tea blends? Frustrated by the prevalence of bland and uninspiring teas in the market, we felt a calling to infuse a burst of taste and aroma into the cups of fellow tea enthusiasts.

And so, our small family tea haven blossomed into a business, driven by the desire to spread the joy of quality tea. Each cup tells a story of passion, experimentation, and a commitment to elevating the tea-drinking experience.

To find out more or to try for yourself, then hit the link:

Tropical Elegance

For this blend Intensitea uses: Black tea, sunflower leaves, dried mango and raspberry bits, safflower, aroma (2%).

Upon opening the tea pouch, you are instantly hit with a beautiful fruity , fruit cocktail. The mango and passionfruit are the main aromas and mixed with the sunflower make for a mouth-watering flavour.

Let’s Get Brewing!

The aroma whilst brewing isn’t too dissimilar to that of its dry state. The passionfruit is the main aroma coming through, but the black tea is now coming through, too.

The brewed liquid is that of a dark brown colouring.

Let’s Get Sipping!

First sip and I am hooked!

This blend is so refreshing.

It’s one of those teas that I call a 2 part sip.

The first half of the sip is all about the fruity side. The passion fruit and mango flavours are really coming through. It’s almost like sipping on a selro (the icecream). It’s sweet and has a mellow side contributed to from the sunflower and Safflower.

The second half of the sip is all about the black tea. It’s not overpowering and is only really present in the aftertaste. This provides almost smokey bitterness.

It’s a light and refreshing blend and is perfect hot and cold, too, as the flavour intensity remains the same throughout the sipping experience. Perfect for summer!

Happy Sipping 🙂